The center boasts nine classrooms, and we deliver 240 training hours per day to 100 students; this includes training in both the kitchen and restaurant. Class sizes vary and are dependent upon the lessons being taught, n with English classes attracting up to 25 students and a baking class up to four. The students are on campus for one semester (Off the Job Training) and training/internship in the hospitality industry for one semester (On the Job Training). When they graduate, they will receive a Certificate in Food Production Level Three (Cookery).
We intend to provide young people aged 17 through 23 with education and skill sets to boost their confidence and help them gain access to employment in leading hotels and restaurants across Indonesia and elsewhere. Other than the mandatory subject of Food Production, the curriculum will include more versatile subjects such as Computer Literacy, English, Basic Accounting and Business Skills (Social Entrepreneurship), Permaculture gardening, and Balinese traditional music and dance. This will be integrated with the Living Values Education program (a course that provides students with a sense of self-worth and self-confidence). Upon completing the full program, students can pursue working for an organization or establish their own business. The students will also be provided with one plant or fish/chicken - based protein meal per day to ensure an adequate protein intake.